Hi! It's Shalom and it's my pleasure to introduce the lady of the season, Ms. ChocolateGoddess.

Cincinnati native, Ms. Rockin' it at Twenty-Six with the fire vibes. Yes, ChocolateGoddess is her whole first name. Fun fact: she does not have a middle name. Both of her names are so important there's no need for a middle name. ChocolateGoddess Messiah is not only her chosen name, but her legal name as well.
I had the privilege of interviewing Ms. ChocolateGoddess about what brought her to Ohio Media School (OMS), current engagements, and future plans. Our interview is as follows:
Question 1: When did you enroll in Ohio Media School?
"At the end of May, 2022"
Questions 2: Why OMS? What brought you to this campus?
"I was excited about the commercials I would hear on Mojo and The Wiz (radio stations). Plus, I love talking. I could see myself doing something with talking as a career".
Questions 3: Tell me about your future plans, both personally and professionally.
"Personally, I am going to have my herbal healing business named ChocolateGoddess Herbal Healing. I am going to make commercials for my business using Adobe Premiere Pro (and Adobe Audition) and use the platforms of television and radio to broadcast my business to help it be known and grow. It's all about growing. Professionally, I see it all happening now. I'm making progress everyday".
Question 4: What do you hope to gain from networking?
"I am excited to connect with the community, spread wisdom and knowledge, and educate the youth."
Questions 5: Tell me what ChocolateGoddess Herbal Healing looks like in 3 years.
"Worldwide. I see myself as a prosperous entrepreneur. I am offering an alternative to pharmaceuticals-- it's another route people can take. I don't see a storefront as a priority, because part of going worldwide will be being available through e-commerce. I will do pop-up shops for sure though".
Questions 6: Tell me three traits of your future self.
"One, I'll be better with time management. Two, I'll (continue to) be an attentive mother. Three, I'll be a flourishing entrepreneur.
Questions 7: Please share with me the affirmation that you live by.
Question 8: What is your favorite product that you offer?
"I love my Unwind Herbal Blend. It has so many different health benefits, like addressing anxiety, depression, insomnia, and it provides relaxation. It's also great for people that want to stop smoking".
Here's a commercial advertising the quit smoking blend:
Woah, there were so many powerful statements made by this young lady. Such an honor to be able to capture, introduce, and hold space for this entrepreneur in the making. It is clear to see how she has an invigorating energy about her. Her whole vibe is pleasing to whatever situation you find yourself in with her. Energy is everything to this woman and she truly walks what she talks as far as living a holistic and healthy lifestyle.
Again, this is Shalom. With gratitude, I'm signing off after this opportunity to bring the flame to this local, live and lit station.