Price Hill will be glad to announce that this year they in fact WILL be having their annual Price Hill Thanksgiving Parade!
Many may remember that there was word that the parade was permanently going to be canceled due to the organizing committee stepping down. In the in-between of this, recruiting people was done for quite some time without much success. Though success was not high, the committee and volunteers posted on social media about the importance and desire to spend time with their families during the holiday.

With concerned locals stating that it was devastating to go without something that they're used to having that brings so much joy, something had to be done! That's when a local by the name of Joe Tallarigo, stepped it all the way up to save the parade. Giving a different fire and life to the project, being that this is something he's used to enjoying with his family every year. A Facebook page was created (“Price Hill Thanksgiving Day Parade” Facebook page here), along with many other social media platforms to help gather materials and put people in the proper place. Tallarigo may not have been able to get things together in time for last year's parade, however, this year, it's going to be a great success thanks to him and many of the unsung heroes who wanted to ensure that people return to a state of normality and happiness.
If you're available on November 23 and 10 a.m., set your calendar to see a wonder parade starting at Western Hills High School, run down Glenway Ave. and Warsaw Ave. and end at St. Lawrence Church.