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Cincy Underground Staff

Saturday, October 30th CincyUnderground and Oceanfive Records will be hosting its artist showcase from 6p-9p at the Showcase Bar n Grill located at 12140 Springfield pike off of 275. This showcase is to show support for the artist that have come to share their story and music with the CUG community. Come out and support the artist that uses their music as a platform to communicate to the masses. This is a free event to network, support, and turn up!! Halloween costume party to follow directly after the show


Request Line:


Music Submission:

Ohio Media School:

4411 Montgomery Rd

Cincinnati,OH 45212



Cincy Underground is a student operated internet radio station located on the Cincinnati campus of the Ohio Media School. Focusing on local, unsigned artists, Cincy Underground gives students an opportunity to host their own shows while giving local artists a place to be heard. Read More

Streaming LIVE from The Ohio Media School's Cincinnati Campus - - Part of the BeOnAir Network

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