Hello! 👋🏽Thanks for watching the video as a little introduction to me. I wrote a couple blogs before, but this time I choose to personally be the focus.
Why would I write a blog about myself? Well, the more I think about it, I want to give the audience a face to go with the voice you're reading and hearing! I'm excited about plans for what is to come as far as student spotlights and a new feature on black-owned businesses.
I've had the pleasure of interviewing two Ohio Media School students, as well as one business owner. Let me tell you, it was an experience getting to use that press badge that the school provides!
I have Bachelor's degrees in Social Work and Psychology (I used to be a therapist and case manager that also did investigations), so interviewing is something I have experience with. However, using interviews to write blogs and articles- instead of case notes and school assignments- has been such a pleasant switch to utilizing this skillset!
My focus at Ohio Media School is Digital Media Production.
I love content creation with videography and audio engineering. I'm also passionate about utilizing digital platforms to share alternative and holistic health practices.
So why are my eyes closed and what's goin on with my hands in that video? Well, those hand gestures are called mudras; they aid in spiritual connection. My eyes are closed because I go inside to connect with my Source- my Higher Power. I believe we are all universally connected. I have a side gig as a yoga and meditation teacher. I even started my own business! I'm excited to watch it grow this coming year.
I truly enjoy the ability to let my voice, my personality, my passions, and my perspectives come through through the words I choose to type.
Not only do I write for Cincy Underground, I've produced radio shows as well! Here's a link to my SoundCloud radio show. My plan is to edit this blog in the future to include the link to my Cincy Underground shows too once they air. Unfortunately, my work and school schedule do not allow for me to do a live broadcast. Still, be on the lookout for a show or two keeping it live, local, and lit🔥
Add me on IG:
@ shalom.shaneeka.goins & @shalombyshaneekayoga.
Facebook: @shalombyshaneekayoga
YouTube: @SHALOM Shaneeka Goins &
@Shalom by Shaneeka Yoga & @Shaneeka Goins.
Yes, I have many ways to stay connected, so really connect with me! 😁 So excited to keep growing and define content for each platform.
Thank you so much for reading thus far. Signing off with much gratitude, I extend the most sincere of Namastés toward you-- my soul honors your soul. I see your light and I share mine with you.
✨ ☮️🏹🧘🏾♀️💓🕉️✨