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Get Your Tickets for "A Night of Chocolate"

Cincy Underground Staff

Get ready for a night of entertainment and celebration for the MS Community. The MS Motivational Institute Inc Invites you out to their 14th Annual Gala. Saturday, June 25th at the Vinoklet Winery located 11069 Colerain ave Cincinnati Ohio 45252 from 6p-10p. This night will be filled with music, awards, and prizes as the MS Motivational Institute continues to champion the cause to raise money and awareness for the members of its community. Please come out and enjoy "A Night of Chocolate" music provided by DJ Mazerati Noc applying pressure to the dance floor. Special red carpet hosts from CincyUnderground will be interviewing the guest and their friends!!!! If you can't attend the event donations are excepted to help this organization continue to be a voice in the community. Tickets are available at We hope to see you there and thank you for your support!!


Request Line:


Music Submission:

Ohio Media School:

4411 Montgomery Rd

Cincinnati,OH 45212



Cincy Underground is a student operated internet radio station located on the Cincinnati campus of the Ohio Media School. Focusing on local, unsigned artists, Cincy Underground gives students an opportunity to host their own shows while giving local artists a place to be heard. Read More

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